The Exclusion Zone Online In Japanese (2024)

1. EXCLUSION ZONE - Japanese translation - Longman

  • exclusion zoneexˈclusion ˌzone [名] 《C》 立入禁止区域• a military exclusion zone along the border 国境沿いの軍事立ち入り禁止区域. Exercises.

  • Translate exclusion zone into Japanese. English to Japanese translations from the Longman English-Japanese Dictionary.

2. Fukushima Exclusion Zone | Japan – Bob Thissen

  • Bevat niet: Online | Resultaten tonen met:Online

  • On March 11th 2011, the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami (magnitude 9.0-9.1) led to three meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant complex. Over 15.000 people were killed in this terrible disaster. Many people had to be evacuated  and most of them never returned due the radioactivity. I’ve visited the exclusion zone three times ( 4 weeks in total) to document as much as possible before the whole area was reconstructed. More pictures of the exclusion zone you can find in my books.

3. Nuclear culture in Japan. Pt 2: Road trip through Fukushima exclusion ...

4. Fukushima No-Go Zone - PhMuseum

  • The Japanese government in April 2012 has reopened some parts of the exclusion zone, the zones of Minamisoma, Kawauchi, Tamura and Naraha, considered below ...

  • I followed the Fukushima nuclear accident from the beginning till now, covering almost two years of the story.

5. Fukushima - tsunami and exclusion zone sites - forum

  • 4 jan 2024 · The nuclear disaster museum is a 25 minute walk from Futaba Station, but their website says there is also a shuttle bus. The elementary school ...

  • Japan Question Forum: Fukushima - tsunami and exclusion zone sites.

6. Is Fukushima's exclusion zone doing more harm than radiation? - BBC

  • 10 mrt 2016 · It's reading 3 microsieverts per hour - not enough to get me worried on a short visit, but more than ten times above what the Japanese ...

  • With huge numbers suffering from being kept from their homes, is Fukushima's exclusion zone doing more harm than the radiation itself?

7. Abandoned Japanese exclusion zone is home to many cars left to die

  • 2 jul 2024 · The Fukushima exclusion zone in Japan is a goldmine of fossilizing and abandoned JDM Cars nearly a dozen years after the nuclear power plant ...

  • The Fukushima exclusion zone in Japan is a goldmine of fossilizing and abandoned JDM Cars nearly a dozen years after the nuclear power plant disaster

8. Safety in Fukushima

  • Opening of the The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum and the Futaba Business Incubation and Community Center (F ...

  • Plan your trip and travel to Fukushima with peace of mind by understanding the latest situation in the eastern parts of Fukushima, affected by the 2011 earthquake. Learn about how Fukushima as a whole has recovered over time and is thriving as a tourism destination in its own right.

The Exclusion Zone Online In Japanese (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.